The members of my fibre arts group are creating projects that represent what Canada means to each of us. The main criteria was to not buy anything new, to just use what we had in our stash. No problem. I have a ton of stuff! We will bring our finished creations to our September meeting.
The landscape of Canada is the first image that came to mind; its vastness and diverse geography. I see Canada as the West, the middle, and the East so my project became a triptych. I had a box full of batiks in every colour I needed so that became the basis for the landscape. Here are some of the parts in progress. I will post the finished project as soon as I get the sections mounted on the canvases. (note to self: make your projects a standard size so you don't have to get canvases made!)
I took advantage of all the sunny days in July to experiment with sun printing and Setacolor paints. Years ago I tried this but had forgotten the details of how. I experimented with buttons, leaves, cardboard cutouts and bits of vintage doilies. I tried linen, cotton and silk. Lessons were learned: Press leaves first, cardboard curls up so try something else firmer, don't use a frame-tape fabric directly to the plastic surface. Mix colors before putting on fabric and do a test swatch (colors looked very different on the fabric than in the container! This is a fun and really easy way to create a new fabric. I will post the items I am making with the fabric later. |